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In 2019, aggregate net return of all newsletter trades was +47%.*

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Recent Single Trade Gains


American Outdoor Brands


long, 24 weeks

(Level 1 edition)


Verso Corp


long, 15 weeks

(Level 2 edition)


Shotspotter Inc


short, 24 weeks

(Level 3 edition)

Happy Customers


Justin F.

Level 1 Subscriber

"I don't really understand the stock market or have the time to try, but with this I don't have to – it provides everything I need for big results."

Brien S.

Level 3 Subscriber

"I had never sold short before. Didn't understand it. Now that I do I realize how much of my gains come from shorts, especially lately. Thank you!"

Emily Y.

Level 2 Subscriber

“I like the face this newsletter tells me precisely what to do with each stock each week. Makes for a quick read. So different from others I've tried that were very vague.”

Jake G.

Level 3 Subscriber

"Over the years I made many good gains, but rarely held on to them. Now with tell signals, it feels great to actually lock them in for a change."

*Subscriber results will vary based on start date and which stocks traded.